I promised myself a decent night’s sleep, but I’m seduced by the quiet, the red-wine-in-a-plastic-cup and the super-fast wifi. Tom and I are both suffering from colds, despite the record breaking 32 degree weather over here.
After leaving London, we spent a few days staying with Kristian in Watford. It was exactly what we needed. We slowed down, kicked the ball at Cassiobury Park, enjoyed dinner with friends (complete with pizza oven, dogs and guinea pigs, of course) and did all of our very stinky London laundry.
We picked up a rental car yesterday and it’s been fun to have the independence of wheels. We have a zippy Vauxhall something-or-other. Well, it’s black and has GPS (or ‘SatNav’ if you’re cool and British). I’m not a good passenger at the best of times (i.e. driving down Capilano Road in a minivan), but imagine poor Mike navigating the ‘wrong’ side of the street, gear shift on the ‘wrong side’ of the car and bloody roundabouts as far as the eye can see. Yeah, it’s not been stressful at all. But hats off to him – he’s been a rock star and has generally ignored my gasps and wails and imaginary brake-stomping. He did get stuck going around the same roundabout for about 20 minutes, but who’s counting?
We visited the amazing Harry Potter Studios yesterday. I’ve never really understood all the fuss. Well, I do now. It was just phenomenal and we all loved it. Well, except for that part where Tom sorta accidentally dented the roof of the original Harry Potter car and the guides went all “Whisky-Tango-Foxtrot” on us, jabbering away into their little headsets like a bunch of uptight Secret Service agents. The roof popped back out on its own, by the way. Simmer down, people.

Hi, is Harry home?
After a late start and a sad goodbye to Kristian this morning, we headed north to Warwick Castle, just outside of Stratford-upon-Avon (the Bard’s crib). We spent the afternoon here and it is gorgeous and again, so well done. We seem to be the only people around (something about kids being back in school?) and the timing couldn’t be better. Mazes and trebuchets and jousting and archery and sword fighting. Oh, and lots of history and tours and a peacock garden to boot. ‘Peacock’, by the way, is apparently the funniest word in the English language when you’re seven.

Cheeky TT
Ok. C’est tout. Over and out. Tomorrow is a bit more castle time, a visit to Stratford and then down into the Cotswolds where we will meet up with Tracy’s parents for a little visit before continuing down through Bath to Glastonbury.
Miss you all.
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